Lev hachesed Volunteers
Lev hachesed volunteers are hundreds of residents of all ages and professions who have been graced with sensitivity for others - volunteers who are touched by others' distress, even though they don't know them, and who are ready to tackle any goal for them - good people who offer much warmth, feeling, time, initiative and action. They include students, youth groups, businessmen, soldiers, pensioners, firms and all sectors of Israeli society. They enable activity that support
hundreds of needy families every week throughout the year. They deserve our thanks and we should learn a lesson from them as they are the heart of the activity.
We all honor and are proud of them for they are the power behind the action.
Join the Lev hachesed family.
We invite you to join the Heart of Kindness family in joint action for those who need our aid. We can do much more for them together. Together we shall add what is special in each of us and give it to another who is now in need. We shall give in love with now motive for a reward, straight from the soul and with hopes for great success to implement the ancient and well-known rule: "Love your companion as yourself."
Lev Hachesed - Help and Assistance to Needy Families and Children in Distress
Israel - 3 Leib Pinsker Street, P.O. Box
Rishon Le-Tzion. Phone : 972-3-9643151
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